A random thread:

This is for everyone who are having some relationship problems or had a heartbreak.

All that I wanna say is choosing yourself over someone who doesn't care about you is not a crime. You have to choose your mental peace over toxicity.

Being in a relationship means dealing with problems together rather than being each other's problem. And the person who bears toxicity in the name of love is just fooling himself. But this toleration doesn't last long and ultimately you end up losing yourself.

If your partner or someone you love ignores you, makes you feel unwanted, leaves you unattended and make you feel used just like a dirty tissue paper... Then trust me it's high time to move away from shit. Anybody's life is not meant for hurtful things like this.

Everyone should understand one fact that is "IT'S JUST YOU IN THE BEGINNING AND IN THE END EVERYONE ELSE WILL JUST COME AND GO IN BETWEEN." Don't give n number of chances to people who don't give a flying fuck about you.

I know it's not easy to move away from someone you love despite of every harm they've caused you. You keep loving them because you are pure and honest and so is your love for them. But question yourself, do you really want to be drowed in this dirty swamp?

Question yourself, do you really want to be treated like shit by someone you love the most? No one wants it right? We want to be a part of them. Everyone wants the feelings to be mutual, right? Love, care and concern to be mutual?

The struggle you to do for them is not the role you've to play if they don't value it. They don't love you or want you to be with them. So don't you think it is better to take your love and move out of such relationship?

You have to choose what's right for you whether struggling in a relationship which has nothing left or getting out of it and struggle for your dreams with more focus? The choice is completely yours.

In the end I'll just say we all deserve love. So just:

This pain doesn't define you.
You are stronger than you think.
Stop being a victim of heartbreak.
Make yourself your own priority.
Stop blaming yourself.
Stop lying to yourself.
Love yourself.

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