Women card
My opinion
Recent case of #SSR has not just shook the core of #Bollyeood but it must also make us sit back & think.

Despite Drug Chats, Admission of Shouvik, entire media lobby, plus Bollywood has come out to Support #RheaChakraborthy
Calling her victim
Compare it to #KanganaRanaut Few yrs back.
When she spoke against Pancholi, Johar Hrithik, & Suman!

Dhe was called a Witch, druggie, attention seeker, Psychopath & what not.
I remember whenever I tried to defend her I was called a feminist.
But why is it that for Rhea
It's called witch hunt & Vilification but for Kangana, she is still abused?
Ironically, same Arnab Goswami had declared her psychotic!

Is she not a woman?
Is feminism/ Victim 💳 not for her?

Ans is:

Society loves weak women!
Bcoz True sense of #Feminism is scary !
Feminism Webster Dictionary definition :
the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes

In reality, the feminists have used it to twist, abuse womanhood in such a way that it's become the worst abuse!

So is it not needed?
Needed but society won't
Remember slander of Smriti Irani?
From her relation to PM to her own husband!
She has faced the worst!
Any 💳 given to her!?

But, Gafoora?
She is a victim!

Let me ask another Ques:
How many of u know about a teenager who was raped, left to die, parents
Refused to accept her!
But she didn't kill herself. She went on to rescue the maximum number of sexual racket victims!

But whose pics do u see most?

Her or Khyati & Sanjukta?

Coz that's how u bring down the movement that's must needed!

Women who do wrong but lean on
Shoulders of others to defend. Who pretend they cannot stand on their own feet but want others to fight for them!

This serves the purpose.
It negats the need of any social reform or equal rights, any molestation, rape, oppression happening in society.
God Forbid if any woman who tries to stand on her own, is persecuted, with no one standing up for her.
Until mostly it's too late.
Examples are everywhere.
From Bollywood, to politics to our work place.
Most victims don't even speak up due to fear of being defamed.
Ones who do, or try to make their own path are termed either attention seeker or trouble makers.

If u really want equality in society for both, if u want for neither the men nor women to be wrongly persecuted, create a conducive atmosphere!

Right ones.
Don't demonize the term, but demonize people misinterpreting it.

Ones standing on their own needs to be celebrated, help us women be that

My Nana always told me
When u grow older, try to be a Tree, giving support to others, not a climber, leaning on trees.
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