Communities like fluffies are flawed by design because the point of it is protecting minors from adults with power over others, but creating a moderated community of adults is the same environment, but with the addition of making it out to be a safe place.
You’re creating the same environment you want to protect them from on a smaller and more private scale. The system can be EASILY abused and grooming waiting to happen. Make general twitter better for minors as a whole. PLEASE don’t make safe place subcultures.
I’m a CSA victim myself from communities very similar to this on Google+. To the big twitter users advocating for fluffies and communities similar, please understand I know you mean well in your actions but this is not the way of doing it. It pains me to see people fight for this
Posts like this are the hardest to see because it makes it feel like people who think this is a bad idea for minors sake are portrayed as an antagonist or something. Minors deserve to be safe online but this is not the right way. Idk who would flat out deny safety for minors
((Nothing personal towards the OP of the post I used. I was just using it as an example))
With the recent events of artists being outed as groomers and abusers, I’ve seen the demand for communities like this come back. But I really don’t think it’s a good idea to have big artists involved in closed safe spaces with minors, at least for a while.
I don’t want to call out any names but there’s a ton of people I really respect and love promoting this and I just don’t think they see the point of view myself and a lot of other people have. I don’t want to stop you from helping people but please find another way
((End of thread probably. My thoughts are all over the place since it’s 1 AM and I’m super emotional rn. It would mean a lot if you shared this because I feel like this is important and needs to be addressed in the furry/art community))
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