My Bucket List(A Thread):
1. Go to Japan (duh)

2. Ride a Zipline (i need some sort of thrill in my life)

3. Also go Bungee Jumping

4. Build a Pillow & Blanket Fort late at night & watch movies
5. Go to New York to see all the tourist attractions & whatnot (like Time’s Square, Grand Central Station, Statue of Liberty, Central Park, etc)

6. Go to large festivals like Rolling Loud or Coachella

7. Learn how to make beats

8. Bomb a Hill in SF lol
9. Learn how to use a Butterfly Knife

10. Build a High End setup, triple monitor setup with 2 pc’s & all that

11. Make, Write, & Produce my own song (soundcloud rapper fr)

12. Everything on my Japan Thread & also the things i didn’t include in it
13. Buy a nice house (not a mansion or anything just something affordable, lowkey, but also cozy)

14. Travel to a country in South America (life Brazil or something. not Central America tho... too many cartels & gangs lol fuck that)
15. Visit every major country in Europe (UK, Ireland, Netherlands, France, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Poland, Belgium, etc...)

16. Get tattooed (idk what yet tho so don’t crucify me)

17. Build a Man-Cave in said home

18. Go to the Mardi Gras
19. Learn how to play either guitar or piano
20. Learn how to use & properly handle a firearm

21. Go to the Seattle Space Needle

22. Go to Mount Rushmore

23. Visit the Grand Canyon

24. Throw the first pitch at a baseball game

25. Right all my mistakes & apologize to people that i’ve done wrong
26. Go to da Grand Canyon

27. Go to Hawaii to stay in a 5 star hotel and then go swimming with the sharks & other exotic animals & do other crazy exotic shit because it sounds like fun

28. Go to the top of da Eiffel Tower

29. Visit Leaning tower of Piza
30. Own a Benz Truck

31. Adopt a Golden Retriever

32. At some point in my life read the entire Bible from start to end

33. Visit X’s grave in Boca Raton

34. Visit Peep’s Memorial in Long Beach, New York

35. Visit Mac’s grave in Pittsburgh
36. Visit the Smithsonian so I can re-enact Night at the Museum

37. See a giraffe up close and personal

38. Visit the Great Pyramids of Egypt & also the Sphinx

39. Break a bone... i’m not insane i’m just curious on how it feels. don’t question it
40. Own every video game console that i can get my hands on & also get some memorable games for said consoles

41. Start, Own, & Expand a Vinyl collection of my favorite projects

42. Visit Las Vegas so I can re-create the Hangover... jk it looks dope af
43. Visit the Great Wall of China duh

44. Visit Niagara Falls

45. Go to Alaska & have dogs tied to sleds pull me

46. Go to Venice & ride around in the canals on little boats and also because i wanna recreate Assassins Creed 2
47. Go to Easter Island & look at all the stone heads đź—ż

48. Visit Toronto so I can also re-enact Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World

49. Go to a Champions League final (don’t care who i just wanna go lol)

50. Visit the Vatican City
51. Re-Create the album cover for Enter the Wu-Tang: 36 Chambers

52. Own a Bouncy House

53. Visit Yosemite because i wanna do a 3 hour long hike so that in the end i can look at a lovely sunset but then i’ll have to hike 3 hours back but its all worth it
54. Go camping so that we can make a campfire & make s’mores & look at the stars & then sleep in a tent

55. Buy a sony ccd-trv118

56. Go to a World Cup game (don’t care if it’s group stage, round of 16, etc...)

57. Learn how to skate
58. Become Literate in Japanese

59. Take a picture with a bald eagle lol

60. Get some grills because why not

61. Drive across the United States (from NY to Cali)

62. Visit Machu Picchu

63. Buy a high end chain, ring, or watch
64. Go see the Aurora Borealis

65. Start Driving really far with no plan of where to go & see where I end up

66. Get my nose pierced, lip pierced, & ears re-pierced

67. Dye my hair a new color every year

68. Visit the Great Wall of China
69. Learn how to use photoshop

70. Ride a Bull

71. Ride in a Limo with all my friends

72. Visit Alcatraz
73. Get in a Fight (i’ve never been in one because i avoid conflict not because i’m a pussy but mostly because i’m not stupid enough to get in a fight & like how Fight Club says “you never know your fighting potential until you’ve been in one” lol
74. Visit Coney Island (so i can re-enact The Warriors)

75. Meet Uzi

76. Go to Rome & look at the Colosseum so that i feel like i’m in Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood

77. Eat another Philly Cheesesteak

78. Go back & visit the Battle of Gettysburg
79. Go back to see the Reflecting Pool

80. See the Bill of Rights & Declaration of Independence again

81. Go back to every museum, every monument & every place that i saw on my DC trip last year

82. Expand my Pokemon Card Collection
83. Go back & see the mummies at Guanajuato

84. Visit the big statue of Christ overlooking Guanajuato

85. Visit Russia

86. Go JetSkiing

87. Own an irl Kar98k, M16A4, MP5 (just replicas for historic purposes & because i love call of duty duh)
88. Visit the Most Eastern Point in the United States (which is in Maine)

89. Hit a snipe on a dummy (360 no scope type beat)

90. Take a Picture with a Cubby Bear

91. Finish College with at least a Bachelor’s
92. In the future I want to come back to all my old schools & give a speech to the students there

93. Buy my parents a house

94. Eat a Ghost Pepper

95. Be inside of a tank (not drive it tho. i would crash fr)

96. Meet Ski Mask the Slump God
97. Buy a House in Japan where i will spend the rest of my life in

98. Save a Life

99. Meet my Waifu (& by Waifu I mean my Soulmate)

100. Do everything in this thread(& the Japan Thread) with said Waifu
This list isn’t in order. Or organized AT ALL. i don’t care tho. It took a while to write this & think about things. Knowing me & how i hate having a boring life i’ll probably get to do 75% of the things here
and even if i don’t do all the things here it’s the thought that counts. if you like & retweet I love you. if you don’t i still love you. this serves more for personal purposes than to like flex or anything of that sorts
but i’m still serious about the Waifu thing
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