i literally dont know what to fucking say rn. i was abt to go to sleep and like i straight up thought she was black cuz she spoke w such authority on black issues
i was gonna make a joke abt coming out as white but like. its not even funny. i cant do that. like as much as ppl wanna act like being light skinned or racially ambiguous is the same thing as white, it really isnt, and im not white. but notcolloquial really is a white woman
i like straight up feel like crying why would you fucking do this
like unbelievable genuinely how much of a piece of shit do you have to be to do something like this
im honestly mad! im so fucking mad, i literally put so much of my life on this stupid site only to have it thrown back in my face w ppl paper bagging me and doubting my entire life meanwhile theyre having kikis w literal white people, fuck you
like im gonna go back on what i said earlier a little w the krug situation but like EVERYONE lets actual white people be racially ambiguous and then its all our fault for not talking abt every single instance of racism in our lives
anyway i post enough of my life on here for you to know that im not artifically tanning or filtering my skin, multiple people have met me irl and video called me, i post plenty of baby pics of myself (tho i refuse to post my family bc yall are fucking freaks)
ive said it MULTIPLE times that I DO NOT NEED ANYONE TO VALIDATE WHO I AM. i KNOW who the fuck i am. what pisses me off is how people like this literally get so deeply integrated into black communities that i dont feel i should insert myself into bc im not fully black
and thats NOT bc black ppl make me feel unwelcome. thats a conscious choice i make to give dark skinned ppl a space to not fucking accommodate and coddle lightskins. the audacity a white woman has to just violate that trust and speak with such authority!
on shit shes NEVER experienced, on shit she knows NOTHING ABOUT, on shit she could NEVER KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT!!! like how fucking dare you, i was flippant abt krug cuz she could get away w it, academia is white, whos gonna clock her
but notcolloquial literally lied and scammed people for YEARS. YEARS!!!!! SHE DID THIS FOR YEARS. consciously choosing to present herself as racially ambiguous, then as black, for YEARS.
she did this on twitter and other social media and its like. idk why this bothers me so much, idk why i gotta care abt what goofy shit white people pull, but then its the same shit over and over again abt biracials being untrustworthy and who am i to disagree?
you can just slap on a coat of foundation and throw some filters on and read some afro pessimism and there you are, youre black now, everyone believes you and you can fully invade black womens spaces like its nothing
sorry for making it abt myself so much here esp since she interacted most w dark skinned ppl and really tried to present herself as a black authority on black issues and it really worked, check her mentions and youll see that ppl respect her ~work~
i talk abt some of the worst shit ive ever experienced, shit that haunts me to this day, and like....maybe you all think thats a lie! cuz really, whos to say that im telling the truth? it all sounds like im lying so why not? i probably am, everything i say sounds like a lie
ppl like noncolloquial really throw everything into question to the point where its like, no one is real, everyone is lying, then everyone clapped. good work everyone. fuck you cv you piece of shit
Okay so first of all this is hilarious and is black through phenotype. Otherwise it's race science, which is what the one drop rule is. But it's amazing how fraudsters even lie about that! They just claim blackness and that's that
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