tw for thread // suicide baiting , pedophilia mention , f slur, self harm mention, stalking


this isn't by any means meant to be a forma;"callout" if you’re friends with quest/ioned/tur/key please dni with me. idc if you follow her but she’s... done some shit to me
last year i was semi-popular on tumblr (1000 ish followers) and i told her that it’s not ok to post nsfw on a public unlocked account with no warning to minors, and also that it’s not ok to ship women with a canonly gay man... then she started spreading shit around my back

shortly after this her fans started suicide baiting me and nonstop harassing me, calling me slurs and telling me to hurt myself. they also began to spread a rumor that i was a pedophile? because i was saying that minors shouldn't be exposed to nsfw, especially by adults.

from about september 2019 to february 2020, i faced extreme harassment, with people accusing me of being a pedo, accusing me of being biphobic, stalking my social media, and NUMEROUS suicide baits to me and my mutuals. tur/key never told her fans to stop.
i learned that tur/key was spreading lies about me in her own personal discord, saying i deserved what i had coming for being "biphobic". the harassment went on, even as i changed accounts. at this time, tur/key was 21. i was 18. my mutuals being harrassed were 14 - 21

finally the harassment stopped when i stopped interacting with the fandoms tur/key was active in. however, people continued to spread rumors about me within her fanbase. she made me out to be a pedophilic stalker that was jealous of her fanbase and art.

i left tumblr, because i genuinely couldn't handle the harassment. tur/key had a friend, who we'll call jamie, who was 28, whose fans also attacked me. though, she spoke out against this harassment. i bring her up just because many of her fans followed tur/key's lead.

since spring 2020, i luckily havent been as badly harassed. but people are STILL bringing up what i said, and saying i'm in the wrong for... defending minors, saying homophobia is bad... etc. every time i have to see her art it makes me panic.

i brought this up here because quest/ionedtur/key is big in the dead by daylight fandom and i know i have friends/mutuals interested in that game. she's on youtube, tumblr, and here on twitter. i just don't feel comfortable interacting with people who are friends with her.
tw // suicide baiting , pedophilia mention , f slur, self harm mention, stalking

here are some of the anons from her fans that i screenshotted and saved (this was later confirmed thru talking to some of her fans) i have more if needed.
tw // abuse , nsfw

heres a more competent “callout” i made at the very beginning of the harassment, so i didn’t mention it.
i apologize for the suddenness of this thread. as i’ve gotten back into d/bd i’ve seen her art more often, and i needed to get it off my chest.
and one short add on: don’t harass her, please. that’s not okay.
people have approached her on my behalf in the past and i don’t want that. not only is it wrong to attack others, but she will just brush it off as “drama” or “not remembering” anyway.
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