Farnese may be spoiled given her background (& aware of it), but you also see her feeling bad about her privilege. She enjoys her supper with her comrades, while outside, refugees starve & die, raiding carriages for food

Rose of Versailles vibes
This is also where she started to change profoundly. She started to ask questions all by herself.

After she saw what Mozgus did to the starving refugees, she was asking him whether punishing them just makes everything worse. Even apologizes for being naive
Mozgus response to that essentially was: in god we trust & suffer, we can't understand God's grande schemes it anyways.
But it's like... Farnese and is slowly turning into a carer and healer. That is her redemption for the terrible acts she has done in the past. Her development isnt over yet & I hope the guilt part is going to be brought up at some point
Specially with her past with Serpico or the fact she made him burn his own mother at the stake. She felt bad for the people starving, but no remorse for those she had executed. Lol!? Imo valid criticism of Miura's writing
I also get why people find her annoying, because the prominent emotions of her character are insecurity, guilt, sadness and shame. At the same time it's only appropriate given what she's been through. Child neglect does that and a whole other things to someone (not to justify it)
Farnese has been exposed to the neglect recklessness of her parents. Who in their rind minds puts a child's room right next to execution grounds?! Someone call CPS ffs
Had someone bothered with that, she probably wouldn't have ended up burning animals (later people) for fun
In other words, negligent parents can fuck someone up, and that someone will fuck up others because of it. Farnese is currently trying to break that circle by becoming a healing witch
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