For me, it was the “blackout”
That shit STILL boils my blood
Even though he performed better than Warren, Sanders was completely missing from the CNN graphic😑Fox coverage of the same poll is at the top
I wonder who was the “other” candidate? Bernie never dropped below 3rd 🤔
No mention of the 1st place? Just 2nd and 4th?? 🤔
Again, 1st 3rd & 4th place on live scroll but nothing about 2nd? 🤔
He was 3rd in this poll but completely omitted from the graphic 😑
How was the coordinated effort between the corporate structure and MSM to oppress, silence, and minimize the Sanders movement any different than the fascist tactics they accuse Trump of exercising?
And let’s not forget the vilification of the very voters they now need by shamelessly promulgating Nazi comparisons
In another head to head vs Trump, Sanders is the only one beating Trump in Michigan and he outperforms Warren in almost every other state......but is completely missing from the headline
In an effort to fuel the “sexist” narrative, Maddow ran a graphic that was intended to show Sanders performing poorly with female donations. However, it wasn’t noted that the stats omitted donations of less than $200. In actuality, he was 2nd to Warren. NOT LAST as depicted 😑
I wonder who came in 1st? 🤔
Sanders has a 8-point lead over Biden but somehow, they’re BOTH “pulling ahead”
Is 10% or 12% higher?🤔
A steady scroll of debate night propaganda. These consistent attempts to negatively shape the viewer’s perception of Sanders were never ending.
CNN dropped this BEFORE Super Tuesday about the “toxicity” of his supporters. “Nasty” comments are spouted from the supporters of ALL major candidates. The internet is innately hostile. If only they fought this hard to restructure the system millions are struggling to survive in!
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