Saturday’s 🧵 of 🧵s is here:

- The criminal sisters who killed kids
- Building products is non-linear 📉
- Balancing the shift to remote-work 👩🏻‍💻
- Right time to start marketing in a startup 📢

The criminal sisters who killed kids

Details about this case

These sisters abducted and killed kids, and they looked so... normal. @NehaT_ aptly drives home the point that an innocent “looking” person can be a killer.

Building products is non-linear 📉

“The problems we try to solve continually reveal themselves as we peal layers back.”

Great thread & 📖 reco for looking at products in entirety.

Balancing this shift to remote work 👩🏻‍💻

2 things I’ve found helpful for me in this time - time-blocking & finding my flow zone in the day. Not a 100% there yet.

Super practical advice on how to balance your day without getting burnt-out, thanks @theemilykey for sharing.

Right time to start marketing in a startup 📢

@dunkhippo33’s tweetstorms on everything early stage startups are pure gold.

This one here poses the right questions to answer before you scale up. Founders & early employees should definitely read this.

You can follow @NidhiGurnani.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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