please read bio before this.
tw // self harm , suicide , eating disorders , nsfw (i think thays right if not im sorry)

i was sam's really good friend since dream became a youtuber. we had talked all the time and i was excited because sam was like really cool, eventually she
started tweeting more about suicide and self harm and i let her know that i was here for her. she started dming me really scary stuff and venting / ranting to me whenever she could, she'd tell me her sexual fantasies and whether dream furfilled them or not (sometimes + im minor)
once she sent me pictures of her in costume and i didnt know it was wrong so i didn't say anything plus she was just really cool. she then started telling me she was going to kill her self and or TW slit her wrist whenever there was a minor inconvenience or when i didn't answer
right away. she kept saying really nasty things and then sending me her wristband when she was in the hospital. she'd have me try and find drama for her and she was just extremely manipulative and toxic to me and i'm sure other people too. after she left twitter for the first
time she found me on instagram and did the same thing, still, i loved her and continued making her edits and she'd hype me up.
she also would talk to me all the time about eating habits and even talked to me about the food i was eating, she blamed her eating disorder on so many
other people like clay and it was terrible. at one point in her and dream's relationship dream bought her a plane ticket to go see her friend somewhere else, and that ended up being a guy she was cheating on dream with for six months before they broke up.
i am getting very triggered and am very scared right now so i'm ending the thread here and will make more detailed threads after with the specifics of what she's done and said to me, a minor.
please dm me if you have any questions and i'll answer them all.
You can follow @anonymous5250.
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