why does everyone act like people who like wings era want the boys to go thru the struggles they went through back then again 😭 obviously that’s not true, and no one ever thinks that for any other album but everyone seems to have a problem with people appreciating wings/bs&t
like no one out here loving sla is wishing for the boys to go back to their rookie success being buried by the big3 and having to deal with countless false accusations and y’all KNOW that loving sla =/= wanting them to go back to that time. so why assume it for wings?
i get that it probably stems from trying to separate yourselves from the small chunk of weird fans who are like “i miss when they were edgy” or the even smaller chunk of fans who for whatever reason think you need to suffer to create art (which is wack) but like... c’mon
at this point it just sounds like you’re overcompensating for not wanting to appreciate the album/era for what it is lol no Normal fan wants the boys to ever go through that shit again, but a lot of us relate to it and find comfort in it
not to mention the beautiful aesthetics and amazing music they released during that era. and if the music/content of that era isn’t your thing? then that’s totally fine! i promise you can enjoy their other stuff without tearing down an album you dislike
there’s nothing wrong with saying you don’t like something, i just ain’t about the ppl who try to be edgy about it and act like their opinions are facts. wings was a widely loved album and was clearly another turning point in their career so idk why ppl get off on undermining it
anyway i try not to complain about this too much on main bc my tl on here is Very Heavily Curated so i don’t even see stuff i don’t want to see (for the most part) but i still see some things on my priv that make me go :/ since my tl there is less curated so here we are LMAO
tldr: you can dislike an album/era without writing tons of thinkpieces on why you consider it bad or overrated or less than other albums/eras (in this case wings, but it can apply to any of them)
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