Lot of detail here, I'll summarise it in this thread.

Summary of changes in METRO MELBOURNE

Current stage 4 restrictions extended at least two weeks to Sept 28 with a few small changes.

From 14 September:
* curfew shifted to 9pm-5am
* Public gatherings of two people, or an entire household, permitted for up to 2 weeks
* People living alone allowed one visitor
* Exercise allowed up to 2 hours
* Outdoor playgrounds open, must be within 5km

More easing at when the 14-day average for new cases is in the 30-50 range with public health advice on the source of transmissions, but NO EARLIER than 28 September:

* Curfew remains
* Public gatherings up to 5ppl from up to 2 households allowed
* Childcare reopens
* Begin return to onsite learning in school in a very staged way for prep to grade 2, plus senior students
* Outdoor personal training permitted with up to 2ppl per trainer
* Outdoor pools reopened

A third stage of easing when 14-day average is less than 5 and there have been fewer than 5 unknown cases in a fortnight, BUT NO EARLIER THAN 26 October

* Curfew dropped
* You can leave home again for any reason
* Public gatherings up to 10ppl

* Create a 'household bubble' of up to 5 people who can visit your house
* Potential staged return for more school students
* Some outdoor service allowed for cafes
* Retail reopens
* Hairdressing reopens with safety precautions
* No person limits for shopping
* Small weddings, funerals, religious gatherings permitted
* Travel within Victoria resumes
* Accommodation reopens
A fourth stage of easing when there are no new cases statewide for 14 days, but NO EARLIER than 23 November

* Public gatherings up to 50 people
* Up to 20 visitors in homes
* Indoor restaurant dining resumes with limits
* Weddings and funerals up to 50 people.
* Public worship allowed
* Intrastate travel allowed
* Entertainment venues reopen with density rules
Then a "covid-normal" step when there are no new cases in Victoria for 28 days straight AND there are no active cases at all, AND there are no outbreaks of concern anywhere else in Aust

* No restrictions on public gatherings or home visitors
* Phased return to work onsite
As always there will be lots of questions to be asked about the specifics of this rules and any ambiguities 11/
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