Once upon a time, there were two numbers: 27 and 48.

They tried to combine in Lola's head, but they just couldn't.

One day, 27 said to 48, "Hey, I'll remove 2 from myself and become 25, so I'm an easier number to add to you!" https://twitter.com/chipnanimus/status/1301731223673470981
"Dope," said 48, "but what will you do with the 2 you're removing, man?"

25, who used to be 27, thought about it for a few seconds, then excitedly screamed, "I know! I'll give the 2 to you!"

48 grabbed the 2, and suddenly became 50.
"Whoa, bruh! I'm 50 as hell, yo!" said 50.

25 and 50 felt Lola's brain begin to shake. Then, her brain smashed the two numbers together, and they became 75!

75 then said, "Wow! This thread is really fucking stupid!"
Lola responded by kicking 75 off a cliff, because 75 is a little bitch! And they lived happily ever after!

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