trigger warnings work.

i don't know who told you they don't, cos they've been in use on tv as content warnings and parental advisories since the 80s, both in text before movies and spoken by newscasters before they show graphic and upsetting footage.
being able to choose whether or not i can handle reading about or watching someone - animal or human - die a particular way or be subject to specific kinds of assault allows me to watch content with foreknowledge, so it doesn't catch me by surprise.
every single dipshit piece of "research" that tests to see if trigger warnings "cause anxiety" by measuring how you felt before seeing the warning and how you felt afterwards is

• asking the wrong question
• in bad faith
• wasting everyone's time
i see this shit all the time, published in newspapers allegedly staffed by thinking, reasonable human beings? folks who, it is assumed, can pour water out of a boot with the instructions written on the bottom?
trigger warnings aren't meant to "prevent anxiety," they're meant to allow people with PTSD to choose whether or not they can handle controlled exposure to content that may, if surprised by it, harm them and sabotage any progress they have been making towards healing the trauma.
everyone who says it's about "hiding" from "the real world" is a liar and a bully, and almost definitely an abuser or on the smooth, wide, easy downhill road to becoming one.

there is nothing healing or good about exposing someone to their traumas unexpectedly.
and people with PTSD are like people with any other kind of mental illness or disability: we tend to apologise for it a lot, and we are grateful every time you remember.

please make twitter accessible by using content warnings for common triggers, like child abuse & animal harm
anyways this rant comes as a result of my questioning the mysterious lack of 'violent death' Netflix content warnings on Japan Sinks: 2020

so i googled it, and i found someone else who noticed the same thing and watched it for the rest of us.
but what i ALSO found was like 5 articles about how "researchers" tested trigger warnings on people without PTSD and found they felt either more anxious or felt no different, depending on whether or not they believed words could cause harm.

someone gave someone money to do that.
anyways abolish police and death to fascists 🤩
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