I may vote for Biden-Harris but I continue to be unimpressed by Kamala Harris. I do not believe she is ready for prime time. I think she can be ready to be President if the time comes but Joe Biden really should have picked someone else.
She’s probably likely to prove no less competent than Trump (low bar), and yes, I’m sure she’d be more competent. But I could name about 100 big names who could be President from both parties that I’d trust more than her and think are more ready than her at this point.
Harris still doesn’t seem comfortable being who she really is as opposed to who she thinks voters want her to be. She continues to fall into the trap of saying attention-grabbing and controversial things in an irresponsible way where she doesn’t seem able to follow through.
Needless to say, we’re not in Sarah Palin territory but in some ways, we have the opposite problem. Palin totally knew who she was, it was just repellent to a lot of lower-48 Americans. Harris seems not to know who she is or be able to authentically convey it.
Harris clearly consumes a shit ton of information and has far greater basic knowledge relevant to the totality of the presidency than Palin did at the same stage. But that doesn’t mean she’s doing smart things w the info she has as opposed to trying to please too many people.
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