Since I'm an overthinker and this is my ~diary~, here is a #thread on some recent twitter DisCoUrSe that I observed. These are just personal thoughts. You don't have to agree w me. I don't look for validation, just mutual understanding
1. With every new wave of SWers, come a lot of kink policing in the community. Most conversations can be boiled down to: anything can be a fetish, but does that mean anything *should* be a fetish? Where's the ethical line you draw for yourself and others
Ofc everyone has different limits individually but you don't practice kink in a bubble. And your identities and sociopolitical context complicate what kink you *should* (not can) practice/publicize/normalize. This is the trigger point for most conversations I think
2. There seem to be some discrepancies between generations of SWers, specifically ProDommes/Findommes since Im in that algorithm echo chamber. And I see that between ppl who been doing this before social media (6+ y) and ppl who got started on socials and online platforms
I watched @lamaisondurouge interview w @Simone_Justice and she brought up that nowadays ppl can make a Twitter acc and call themselves a Domme but it was much harder getting started back then. So a lot of knowledge and arts of domming were lost during the digital transition
I think generally it's good that the internet allows such easy access to information and to decentralize power: anyone can learn and anyone can teach and anyone can innovate as long as you have a social media platform. But many are reluctant to do just that.
Newcomers BARELY take as much time and effort as older folks into researching, training themselves, acquainting with norms and business ethics of ppl that literally paved the way for you. Again, the ease of access is a double blade
Human sexuality is old af. Kink is old af. SW is old af. Do you really think you "create" a new fetish, or is it just a recycled branding of smt existed long before you?
So whenever I see someone w <5y exp say they "started" a new norm or fetish,,
there are inevitably older folks who have done that or advised that it's not how it should be. And often the younger folks get very defensive over their stance and both sides attack each other. While in reality they probably share more common perspectives than not
Okay dassit. I don't necessarily take a stand. Most of the time I just turn down my ego and observe. Look for intentions and mutual understanding in communication is healthy, you should try it sometimes
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