On Critical Race Theory: "right now presents a valuable opportunity to educate ourselves and then others clearly about Critical Race Theory, including its role in the present outrage (some of it quite justified) and mayhem (utterly unjustifiable)." https://newdiscourses.com/2020/06/do-better-than-critical-race-theory/
"We need to reject Critical Race Theory not for its observations but for its analysis and its prescriptions. What we need to reject from Critical Race Theory is its poisonous view of the world, which is very cynical and paranoid . . . (cont)
". . . and more importantly denies the individual “content of character” that we know moved racial mountains just 60 years ago. Centering group identity, making group identity inherently political, and dividing us up by group identity is the wrong way. We can do much better"
"First, it insists racism is ordinary in society, sometimes also said to be permanent. If racism is ordinary and permanent, it cannot be fixed. How can such a Theory offer a solution?" #CriticalRaceTheory
"Second, Critical Race Theory accepts a thesis known as “interest convergence.” . . . insists white people only care about & help other races out of their own self-interest . . . How are we supposed to build a better world when people aren’t allowed to help?" #CriticalRaceTheory
"Third, #CriticalRaceTheory believes that liberalism is a force that upholds racism. . . We shouldn’t believe this or that we need radical change when liberal change is & has been working. Liberalism is an unparalleled means of resolving conflicts between citizens and ideas."
"Fourth, #CriticalRaceTheory is actively disinterested in evidence and even reality . . . If we want to solve our real problems, though, we have to know what those real problems are, in reality. We know this, and we can do better than hot-takes and highly emotional stories."
" #CriticalRaceTheory explicitly urges an “identity-first” approach to race, where it defines what that political identity looks like and then demands conformity." Race determines your politics. Or as Joe Biden said, if you don't vote for him "you ain't black."
" #CriticalRaceTheory is pessimistic, cynical, & paranoid to the core, and it teaches these as though they’re virtues, filling young black people especially with a belief that society is against them. This is utter poison. Learning to see problems is good; dwelling on them isn’t."
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