my take on the $sushi @SushiSwap debacle 👇

tl;dr - it takes longer than a week to build a community

it takes love😘
the dominant narrative of $sushi was that it was @UniswapProtocol, but instead of VCs it was owned by the "community" via a "fair launch" where farmers could earn tokens and rewards would be shared with the token holders

it turns out it's not so simple
yield farming is a zero-sum casino

the early farmers take on barely any risk, only opportunity cost of capital and some risk of impermanent loss if farming with LP shares

they are the house

the market buyers on the other hand, are the players in a "greater fool" ponzi game
funny, none of these people are actually the "community"

it's like throwing a house party with free booze and assuming everyone who shows up is your best friend

they are not

your friends are the ones helping you clean up when everyone else leaves
sure, parties are good for making friends

and maybe there were seeds of a real sushi community planted this week

but the proof will be if they stick around, pick up the pieces, and keep the project going

it'll be an uphill battle from here, though given recent events
the founder @NomiChef , after posturing as an altruist who puts community first, claiming not to be a token-selling opportunist, cashed out $10M+ $sushi today

this move has massively damaged trust in the project

possibly irreversibly so
of course, sam never cared about $sushi "community"

how could he? it didn't even exist a week ago

he's a psyop wiz and wanted to use the hype for his own purposes

building out an ecosystem on @solana for @ProjectSerum
not bashing sam here, I respect his rational self-interest

merely pointing out the cognitive dissonance one must have to think $sushi is a "community" project

typically, when building community, you want to avoid playing zero sum games with your community members
contrast this to the uniswap team, who have been heads down building for 3 years through a bear market

their VCs have not sold a penny

with 0% fees, 100% of the value created has been retained by the users up to this point

that is what it means to put the user community first
building innovative #DeFi shit is not easy

with years of hard work, Uniswap has built amazing tech

they pioneered LP shares as a money lego and they kicked off the AMM DEX revolution

they have come incredibly far
the most innovative part of $sushi was the vampire attack

which, I'll admit, is pretty cool

but it shows how $sushi has been zero-sum from its inception

$sushi hasn't created anything new, simply attempted to take value from uniswap for itself
the ethos of ethereum is to seek out positive sum games

as a result, Ethereum has succeeded at creating one of the greatest, most welcoming communities in crypto

it's also why ETH folks are so prone to psyops

they falsely assume other people are like them

too trusting
but despite a zillion psyops, the ETH community still marches on

the community has come together over 5 years, most of it fun, but much of it very painful

we've learned hard lessons about security and governance, largely from our own failures

we would do well to remember
on the other hand, @VitalikButerin and @ethereumJoseph have been full-time for 5 years straight

many of the early core contributors, like @ethchris and @peter_szilagyi just keep shipping

so do you want to kill Ethereum? OK. Do you have half a decade to spare? No? Then GTFO.
that’s the thing about Ethereum that Sam won’t be able to replicate

farming & dumping on people, offering them bribes, and using the implicit threat of hijacking their governance to accomplish your own goals

it doesn't inspire devotion

maybe he could learn from @VitalikButerin
now when I see @SBF_Alameda and @KyleSamani added to the @CreamdotFinance multisig, I can't help but wonder

"are they going to farm & dump the fuck out of it, then try to push it to Solana?"

if so fuck that, I'm out

they are a #DeFi countersignal now
community building, ultimately, is about sharing the love

greedy people aren’t particularly good lovers

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