i never feel entitled to anyone's time or friendship so its just like if u dont wanna talk to me just be clear about it bruh.. or be clear that u would rather just catch up every now and then instead of talking often. it might sadden me a little but i would get over it, and
it would be even more sad if i forced smth. like if U are the one who's not interested, then why would U send mixed signals? wouldnt it be easier on someone to just be straight up? it's never any hard feelings because i def don't wanna talk to every person i meet either 🤷🏻‍♂️
this isnt even really about anything specific im just reflecting.... communication is hard af but i wish that as a collective, we would try harder and not just leave it as a conclusion that communication is hard.
but yeah i genuinely love the friendships where i just text someone every so often without any expectations because i get drained so easily. but what's even more draining is the friendships where i have to guess and i wish i had less of these because all my friends are so cool
Just realized how cynical this thread sounds O___O sorry guys
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