ok i was at the beach today but now i've got some time so let's dive into this entangled teen mess (1/14)
when we say "stop assuming interns are running social accounts" we say it because social media is an actual job. besides knowing the ins and outs of various social platforms a big part of the job is knowing how to handle communications. (2/14)
more often than not social media is the face of a brand. not only are you speaking for a company whenever you post you are also usually the first line of defense when it comes to customer service. (3/14)
when the brand fucks up, whether it was something that happened on social or not, people typically come to social first to make their concerns/complaints know. half of the job is knowing how to respond to these issues or knowing who to contact about it. (4/14)
so to put someone who at least seems to not work for the company or is being supervised by someone who works at the company is incredibly irresponsible. you cannot claim this page is not tied to the publisher when it has the publisher's name on it. (5/14)
additionally, you're using this account to promote the company's books so you don't get to pick and choose which of your posts are associated with the brand and which aren't. that's not how this works. (6/14)
also, are they paying this girl? if she's been running this account since at least April and presumably on her own that is a job, whether her mom asked her to do it or not and whether she's doing well at it or not. are they just using her for free labor? (7/14)
they are also completely responsible for whatever she posts. she didn't make this account. you gave it to her to run. whatever she did with it is on the company and if you weren't prepared to take ownership of that than you never should've asked her to do it. (8/14)
there are a lot of social platforms and it is very difficult to run all of them. i know that. but if you can't manage a social account or hire someone to do it then do not get on that platform. (9/14)
do not throw your kid into a role that they presumably have no experience in nor understand the gravity of what the job is. when you put her into this position she was no longer acting as herself she was acting as the face of entangled teen. (10/14)
whether she knew it or not everything she did and said was speaking for entangled teen. period. her thoughts, her opinions, the jokes that she made, etc. those are all tied to entangled teen as long as she's using that account. (11/14)
if she didn't know that or didn't see it that way that's on her mom for putting her in that position and the company as whole for deciding they needed to be on tik tok but didn't want to hire someone to do what is to be clear a real fucking job. (12/14)
social is not something you just know how to do overnight. any social media manager or influencer would tell you that. we've all at some point fucked up. but we know how to handle it. we know crisis management. we know what we're doing. (13/14)
what that girl posted was messed up but this is on entangled teen because my guess is they did not prepare her properly for this and again is she getting fucking paid??? what a mess. (14/14)
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