mama’s baby is one of those texts that read completely differently every time I return to it lol
Or rather, whenever I return to spillers’ text I’m reminded that it’s not so much that there’s a complete non-identity between what the text says and how her ideas are frequently reinterpreted / re-presented by her interlocutors..
but that the semantic construction of Spillers’ text is organized such that it at every turn is constantly introducing some nuance or texture that variably undermines, specifies, sharpens or attenuates certain concepts that are taken for granted as conspicuous or immediately..
available to apprehension...I suppose this is just a long way of saying that Spillers’ text, as any good text, is extremely fertile and inexhaustible in the conceptual possibilities it teases out and proffers, the paths it illumines..
Mama’s baby is a piece you’ve gotta read over and over again. The “flesh”, in a manner that isn’t dissimilar to much of Fanon’s conceptual inventory, is a deceptively simple idea but it isnt anything to play with...
I’m sorry if this thread is badly written lmao I didn’t know how else to say it
Spillers, Moten, Fred Jameson, Marriott...these are people whose writing make you feel as smart as they themselves are as you read it. Obviously I’m leaving lots of folk out
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