I dont know if we're ready for this convo but the statement that antifa has never killed anyone are false & there's nothing to be gained by obscuring that. I'm not even talking about this year or just the Trump era but also historically, antifascists have taken life.
The takeaway is still that the far right by an extreme margin still kills more people & causes more destruction than the far left in the US. That's still true. But the Left also has a strange taboo aversion to violence.
I'm not talking pacifism but erasure, & failure to recognize or obscure when someone on our side commits violence. And yes theres something to be said about white men killing people, that many are abusive. But black women have also been dying w/ guns blazing too. There's a trend.
And it's all connected to growing escalation. Sooner or later we're gonna get comfortable with the fact that blood will be shed by our side necessarily at times. Even with Gaines, she was rejected by moderate BLMs for being a "bad victim." Theres this pervasive attitude about
how to rebel correctly thats not ideological but social. It's a self imposed taboo cuz our side is so unused to doing it. It's been decades. Such taboos are gonna fray the movement. People need solidarity now too many have already fallen.
So the least we could do is show support when people on our side fall committing acts of violence against the state & the far right.
Also I'm not entirely kosher on how bannable this thread is which basically an endorsement of violence in itself but I guess I'm about to find out. 🙃
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