Andrew Yang on how to approach #YangGang who are voting for Trump: "When I saw that 42% of the Yang Gang would not support the Democratic nominee I was like wow, we've really done a good job of drawing in people who are not feeling the Dems typically. So my approach to..."

"those folks would be like look, Andrew is supporting Joe. Like you had to know Andrew was actually running against Trump so he's clearly not pro-Trump. And that like if you want to support Donald Trump, we understand that. Millions of Americans support Trump, and we..."

"hope you'll reconsider and Andrew will try and present his thinking on it. But if you are Trump or bust, we get it. Friends can disagree. I certainly don't think everyone who voted for Donald Trump is somehow nefarious or anything. I mean I have many many friends who..."

voted for Trump and I'm sure that will continue. So it's just like be open-minded, openhearted, and just say it's like look Andrew was obviously running against Trump and thinks Joe is the better choice but we understand if not everyone is going to get on board with that."

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