I think we waste too much thinking about inconsequential things. Will Jesus the man come back? Will an actual heaven happen after we die? Is there a pitch fork red dude? Honestly I don’t think so, but also I don’t care.
What I do care about is heaven on earth, here, now! What I do care about is centering the marginalized, and holding the privileged accountable so that the hungry don’t have to be hungry anymore, ever again,
so that the sick have access to health services that can improve their quality of life, and even save it. What I do care about is ensuring every child has a safe home, where their basic physical and emotional needs are met.
Ideas of heaven are varied and have changed a lot for always, they’ll continue to change too, but what hasn’t changed is that the poor, the hungry, the sick, the abused, the hurting... they are still with us, and that’s horrific and unacceptable.
I don’t care if heaven is a real place in the after life or not, I doubt it, but sure it’s possible, doesn’t matter. I do care to challenge us all to ensure heaven is a reality for as many people as we can make it a reality for, here and now.
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