Moderna mRNA-1273 Covid-19 Vaccines are immunogen (antigen) vaccines which began human trials 42 days after Coronavirus was announced.
Christine Grady, wife of Anthony Fauci (Fauci means Sickle, Saturn's symbol), heads "Bioethics" aka Human Experimentation at NIH.
Vaccines produce an Immune System response "Antibodies" to a perceived pathogen; Chromosome 8 is in every human cell.
Imagine a Vaccine that prompts the body to attack every cell in the body.
Covid-19 PCR Tests identify the same sequence in Chromosome 8; disorders with Chromosome 8 affect every cell in the human body;
Intelligence/Brain development, Heart disorders, Epilepsy, Sensory disorders, Growth, Cognitive ability, Skull malformations & Microcephaly are symptoms.
Modern mRNA-1273 Vaccine Antigens produce an immune reaction to Chromosome 8. The ultimate weapon?
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