Okay my ire has not abated at all today, so here's a THREAD on common myths about asexuality; hopefully someone will see this and learn a damn thing or two (1/X)
Myth #1: Asexuality = celibacy

These things are not equivalent! There are asexual people who engage in sex (more on this later) and there are allosexual (those who experience sexual attraction) who are celibate: see nuns, priests, and those who just can't be bothered. (2/X)
Myth #2: Asexuals never have sex

Nope. I know asexuals who are celibate (this is different, see above) and I know asexuals who are very sexually active. Ace people can have sex to please their partners, release oxytocin, or just because they like the physical sensation (3/X)
Myth #3: Asexuals can't have fulfilling relationships with allosexuals

Again, no. I and many I know have had happy/successful relationships with allosexual folks. Some opt for open relationships, whilst others may be sexually active for their partner's benefit! (4/X)
Myth #4: Asexuals are just prudes

How many times do I have to say this some asexuals have sex and aren't prudes at all. Also, quit using the word 'prude'; it shames those who aren't sexually active in a cisnormative sense. (5/X)
Myth #5: (not really a myth) Asexuals are like robots or plants and reproduce asexually

Genuine question, do you know how human biology works? (6/X)
Myth #6: Asexuals aren't discriminated against

Some face corrective rape, others are called 'broken' by friends & family, and ace folks are constantly denied entry into queer spaces. Just because asexuality isn't criminalized doesn't mean we can't be discriminated against. (7/X)
Myth #7: Asexuals aren't queer

Asexuals have long been included in queer spaces, particularly in lesbian spaces! The anti-ace rhetoric largely comes from (cis) gay men who view compulsive homosexuality as part of queerness. (8/X)
Myth #8: Men can't be ace

This isn't a gender thing! Just because men are viewed as hypersexual does NOT mean that we* can't be asexual, too. That's society speaking, not facts. (9/X)
Myth #9: You can change or grow out of it

Only kind of a myth, because some ace folks *do* end up changing their identifiers later in life. And that's fine! Gender and sexuality are spectrums, and people can fluctuate along those spectrums. (10/X)
Myth #10: My asexual partner doesn't love me because they won't have sex with me

First- sex =/= love. Second, asexual folks can still experience romantic or aesthetic attraction, even if they don't actively want to engage with your genitals. (11/X)
Myth #11: Asexuals are just ugly folks who can't get a date.

Lmao next question. (12/12)
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