My son giving a persuasive presentation about why he should be allowed to purchase his own dirt bike. Before our children are allowed to do something “big” they must persuade Mommy and Daddy that it will be good for the family and their own personal development.
They must discuss the risks and benefits, as well as the long-term financial implications of the decision. This image was taken during the personal safety part of his argument. He said the most common injury is ankle sprain. He said he is targeting a 100 cc four stroke.
These presentations are only allowed to take place when another non-family member adult is present. This ensures they have their arguments well thought out so they can’t fall back on relationship equity. Good friends of ours came over for the presentation just before bedtime.
Honestly I was surprised that he did not ask for financial assistance and volunteered to earn the funds himself. His proposal was a bit too broad, so we sent him back to answer a few key, specific questions about model numbers and maintenance.
My favorite part is when he pins me down logically...or realizes he’s about to be pinned down and backs out of the argument with pure honesty. We’re totally going to say yes, especially since he volunteered to earn the money! I’m proud of my kids and wanted to share.
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