Haha, look, just because someone is really good a decorating their space to look like a dream doesn’t mean they have money

Especially when talking abt artists—whose literal job is to make things look pretty https://twitter.com/mrsoupy_/status/1301941678765342721
Full disclosure, I’m terrible at interior design. Most of my design choices are just “now how many books can this hold?”

I don’t like the IKEA squares because they are too small for my art books and too big for my Manga. Wasted space!! I need more!
You all are never gonna see a pic of my place because
1) I’m a gremlin and untidy AF
2) it’s just literally stacks and piles of books, I love it but it is a nightmare
3) I have no idea what someone is going to screenshot and be weird and or fetish gross about
Also, I don’t know what to do, literally every design that I love has 50 potted plants, but I have a black thumb, and absent mind, and no patience 😞
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