Okay, so boom. I was talking to this guy for like two weeks.. FaceTiming, calls throughout the day, texting like teenagers. I like attention so I’m thinking this may go somewhere..
He telling folks I’m his ol lady and showing them my pics. He told me he loved me a few times already. It wasn’t reciprocal so I had to hit him with the “You so sweet”.
We finally decide to link up for lunch. I suggest Red Lobster since that’s his favorite restaurant (I pay attention). He tells me “I’m not paying for Red Lobster for lunch.” I’m already in my car at this point so I told him to meet me at McAllisters and we can eat on the patio.
Lunch was cool but that comment wasn’t sitting right in my spirit. I scored high on all 5 love languages and cheapness was NOT one of them.
I planned to get him some cologne & whatever else he wanted since his birthday was this week so I wanted to go to the mall together. I like to spoil my heauxs. I just used my last mask and I asked him to get me one from Walgreens since it was close.
He calls me from inside the store saying he didn’t know what to do since 1 mask was $8 and the box was $35. I asked why he was calling me bc this shouldn’t be that difficult. His response “I’m not buying no damn box of masks.” WHAT???
He came to my car with one mask and I asked why did he even call to complain to me about the prices of masks. He said, “Here you go with this..” Mind you we have never had a convo like this before. So you know what I did? Grabbed the mask and pulled off 💀💀💀💀
Blocked his number and drove to the house. If you’re broke just say that! Moral of the story.. Stop being cheap. You could miss out on your blessing. I was about to drop some money on him but he was mad about the price of a Red Lobster lunch and a mask.
With that being said.. I’m still trying to find somebody’s son or daddy to spoil 😂😂😂😂😂
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