- at a point in time, the student of Mirza Ghulam Qadir Baig

*Supplicating to other than Allah:

1.- O helper, (Shaykh Abdul al-Qadir jilani (rahimahullah)) all the saints of the world go around the noble house of Allah (Ka'bah) but the ka'bah itself goes around your exalted gate. (Al Bareilawi,
Hadaiqi Bakhshish)
2.- "The order of the Helpers of the people (ghawth) and of those who are called for help begins from Ali, ending at al-Hasan al-Askari, the eleventh Imam of the Shia." (Malfuzat of
the Barelvi)

{Very similar to Shi'i beliefs}
3.- al-Amn wal-ala (p 12-13): "Ali removes calamity and misery from who recites the known Saifi supplication, once, 7 or 3 times. The supplication is: Call Ali for help who is the manifestation of wonders; you'll find him a helper to you at the calamities--
Every calamity and misery will be gone by your protection, O Ali, O Ali.‘
4.- in his Hadaiq Bakhshish. He used to
say (p 186): "O Shade of the deity of Shaykh Abdul Qadir, give me something for Allah's sake, Shaykh Abdul Qadir! Affection, affection, O affectionate Abdul Qadir. Remove from us the vicissitudes of time, O
Abdal Qadir."
5.- Hadaiq Bakhshish (p 26):
"Shaykh Abdul Qadir has the power of disposition in the universe. He has been granted permission and he
has the authority. He is the conductor of the affairs of the world."
6.- "The cushion of Abdul Qadir has been spread on the Throne, and
the Throne has been brought down on earth!" On pg 179 he claimed: "Shaykh Abdul Qadir is the helper who has the power of the word Kun fa yakun (Be and It is)."
Ayyub Ali (a barelvi) said in his book Bagh Firdaus (p 26): "Shaykh Jilani is the helper of the helpers. He has the right of consolidation in the guarded tablet. He has the power of turning a woman
into a man."
*The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم knows Al-Ghayb

Ahmad Rida Khan said In Al-Malfuz Ash-Sharif 1/31-32: “The Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) has removed all doubts from our hearts and minds and informed us that his knowledge is comprehensive/ unique and is beyond human perception.--
Therefore he said, ”Everything in the universe was presented to me and I recognise them all. Nothing of the universe is excluded from my
knowledge or sight”…This recognition encompasses everything hidden in the
Sacred Pen (Qalam) and recorded in the Protected Sacred Tablet--
This in turn encompasses everything of the past and future, from the First and last Day. Every concealed or exposed thing is included therein”
*The Sahaba know Ghayb

In Al-Malfuz Ash-Sharif 4/526, Ahmad Raza Khan said: “If, from the Throne to the depth of the seven earths
are exposed in front of the eyes of their servants and Awliya, then what do
you think will be the condition and magnanimity of the Sahaba?”
* The Wali watches sexual relation of his students:

In Al-Malfuz Ash-Sharif 2/232, Ahmad Raza Khan said: “Shaykh Ahmad ibn Mubarak Saljamasai had two wives. His Murshid one spoke to him about this and that dialogue was as follows: --
Murshid- Last night you spent the night with one wife while the other was awake.
This is not a correct thing to do.

Murid- O Master! The other wife was asleep.

Murshid- No, she was not asleep.

Murid- Oh Master! How did you know that my second wife was not asleep?--
Murshid- Do you have a spare bed in the room where your second wife sleeps?

Murid- Yes my Master

Murshid- I was present on that spare bed.
So for Barelvis, their Peers watch their intercourse with their wives and are always with them?? What is this shameful creed?!

La Hawla wala Quwatta ila Billah!!!

{More to come, In Sha Allah}
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