something i notice a lot in fiction (not just fanfic) is that occasionally the author doesn’t know how to handle describing the pov character, which is one of the easiest ways to rip a reader out of the universe the author wants to showcase.
this happens the most often when first introducing them, and the author wants the reader to know all the cool things about their character that makes them interesting. the problem is that this is the pov character, and it’s written from that perspective.
most people don’t spend their time contemplating the things that make them different (if they even recognize it in themselves), especially if something exciting is happening.
they also tend to focus in on specific traits — if a character mentions that they have hazel eyes, it should be assumed they spend quite a bit of time thinking about the fact that they have hazel eyes.
so if an author wants to give the reader a physical description, the only traits that should be mentioned by the pov character are the ones that hit them hard — what are they insecure about? what do they take comfort in? what gives them confidence?
any trait that doesn’t have emotional relevance to the pov character should be shown through other characters or unique moments — a conversation that mentions it, a side pov chapter, some situation that requires a particular trait, etc.
while a pov character may think about a trait they have that they normally don’t focus on, the author should make sure it’s clear to the reader that they don’t think about it often (which is why traits can be mentioned during “unique moments” if it makes sense to mention them).
i’m not trying to insult anyone with this thread, we’re all evolving as authors all the time, and i don’t think of myself as a particularly skilled fiction writer. i just spend a lot of time reading, and then analyzing what made me like or dislike certain parts of a story.
and for authors who have this skill down, good gracious! you’re awesome! you’re doing amazing, keep it up!
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