People really didn't like what I had to say here 😂. Hitler didn't rise to power right away, it was a process. Hitler was the leader of the Nazi party between 1920/1921, then Kanzler and FĂŒhrer in 1933-1945. Now look at what Trump is doing, pull the similarities.
Trump now controls the GOP (in a way) and has his base of followers. Those followers are listening to his every word and will defend him in any way they can. They have been killing people, being racist, misogynistic, homophobic, xenophobic, and more.
We have people in cages at the southern border. People are being abducted from the streets by people in unmarked vehicles. He brought in brute force. Promotes white supremacy. Is hungry for power. Lies to the American people. Runs on hate and fear. I could keep going.
Hitler rose to power slowly but rapidly. He had everything planned and took action. No move he made wasn’t calculated. He also wasn’t a politician. He rose to power to build a nation under a certain image, one he himself didn’t fit. Also gave certain people increased power.
There are so many more examples that I could provide, but I’m sure I provided plenty. I took a Holocaust Studies course in high school and learned from Hitler’s beginning to his eventual suicide. I know the signs, and my teacher showed and warned us of all of them.
If you look at Hitler, and then look at Trump, the similarities are blinding. It’s people like these in my mentions that are willfully ignorant to what’s going on. They called what I said a reach, but it’s a reach in the right direction. The playbook is almost identical.
So these people can attack me for what I said all they want, I could care less. I know my history. I stand by what I said. Trump is the reincarnation of Hitler, or at least he’s using a similar playbook as he did. Funny how someone called me retarded for what I said.
You know something, it really helps when you know your history. I hope those people in my mentions read this thread, because they can shut the hell up. I used facts. They can try and fight me on this, but it won’t work. I took the class because I wanted to learn, and learn I did.
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