Having received a lot of pushback on my public school tweet below, I'd like to offer some public showing-of-my-work in a quick thread.

Thesis: Christians shouldn't normally send their kids to public/government schools.

Here's why:

1/ https://twitter.com/Brian_Sauve/status/1301866801840574464
First, they are funded through armed robbery.

Property taxes are particularly wicked state-sponsored theft. They mean that nobody actually owns their own property.

Public education is therefore funded through a system of economic slavery. I'd say that's bad.

Second, those stolen dollars are comically mismanaged.

Public education is a massive bureaucracy, most of which is entirely unnecessary to the work of a human-scaled education.

We spend upwards of $15k per student per year—with poor educational outcomes.

Third, much of the public education infrastructure is built—not to educate children with excellence—but to free mothers up to join the workforce.

School hours.
Number of school days per year.
Increasing push for earlier education.

Again, bad. We need moms at home.

Fourth, public schools are churches of secular humanism.

They teach evolutionary origins, relativistic epistemology, sexual perversion, and other vapid doctrines of demons.

They've succeeded in discipling *millions* of our children in folly.

I'll prove it: Watch the news.

Fifth, education not oriented around Christ is dis-integrated.

In Christ are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. The fear of God is the beginning—not just of wisdom—but of knowledge as well (Pr. 1:7).

Knowledge not integrated to Christ's lordship is faulty.

Sixth, students become like their teachers, and teachers don't check their gods at the classroom door (Luke 6:40).

Do you want your children to be discipled by atheists, Mormons, and humanists 30+ hours a week? They will become like their teachers.

Seventh, the fruit has been tremendously bad.

Very few Christians with respect to percentages homeschool or privately educate their children. Most use public schools.

The fruit of this has been terrible in terms of the doctrine, worldview, and perseverance of our kids.

Eighth, fathers are to raise their kids in the paideia and nouthesia of the Lord (Eph. 6:4).

These words—paideia and nouthesia—aren't just about doctrinal catechesis; they refer to the total enculturation of a person.

This implies a Christian education. It just does.

Ninth, missionaries are equipped before they're sent.

"But our kids are salt and light in the public school!"

Are they? Would you send them to an unreached people group as a missionary? In truth, our kids are more often evangelized by secularists than the other way around.

Tenth, your anecdote isn't an argument.

"But I grew up in public school, and I'm a pastor!"

Praise God! Me too. But anecdotes aren't arguments. Look at the trends: Huge swathes of kids are leaving high school as nominal secularists who went to youth group, not Christians.

Eleventh, but [my exception]!

Single moms are a thing. Hard circumstances are a thing. I get it, I really do; I'm a pastor of a church full of real people. We need churches to step up and help in these cases.

But fringe exceptions don't establish healthy norms.

So: Don't send your kids to public schools.

Churches, start schools. Message me; I'll help.

Families, homeschool. Again, ask and I'll connect you with affordable, quality resources.

Christians: No more excuses—you can do it. The Lord is with you.

You can follow @Brian_Sauve.
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