1. People of God, RISE UP and spread the TRUTH about these hybrids who have ruled our planet for TOO long! https://twitter.com/kacsandi_m/status/1302320866047545346
2. Knowing what we know now, we can see why nothing made sense over the decades. https://twitter.com/kacsandi_m/status/1302320866047545346?s=20
3. Joe Biden was the second highest official in our great land and was complicit in causing devastating economical descents. https://twitter.com/Alpha6Phinsider/status/1302262780800638979?s=20
4. This👇🧐 https://twitter.com/Alpha6Phinsider/status/1302281728568905734?s=20
5. BIDEN crime family... https://twitter.com/BushWashington1/status/1302305582477529089?s=20
6. People at the top levels, like Biden and pelosi, are usually bl👀dline families that were C-I-A and inserted into our g0vernm3nt as infiltra!tors. They've never had any loyalty to anyone but themselves and their Puppet Masters.
They serve S@t@n.
7. what does it tell you when J0e B!den supporters are the one$ destroying America with their rioting, Mayhem, and arson? https://twitter.com/donlusin/status/1302306308398493698?s=20
8. Understand Trump family has been exposing, getting criminals off street for decades...was all under cover, elites didn't know about it. Thus they❤️d Trump b/c th0ught they were on th same side. Now that they realize Trump is righteous, they hate him because he's exposing them.
9. Patriots do not like B!d3n😄 https://twitter.com/Melski1/status/1302252535797952515?s=20
10. The time of the wicked is cut short! White hats have it all! The left is panicking! https://twitter.com/kacsandi_m/status/1302310734660022272?s=20
11. 👀👇 https://twitter.com/Spring_Harbinge/status/1302300751201533952?s=20
12. Why do Joe Biden supporters chanting death to America? Why does the DNC logo look like D2🇺🇸? https://twitter.com/stillgray/status/1302095143504285696?s=20
13. Beat B!den! https://twitter.com/DanScavino/status/1301743709424291840?s=20
14. We've heard a lot of people with varying perspectives! One school of thinking is that B!den has already been arrested, Tribune old, and executed! 👇👀
What do you think? https://twitter.com/zmustangsally/status/1302068792479174656?s=20
15. So hypocritical, anything 2 pull the wool over America's eyes, right, Joe? https://twitter.com/LalaFlorida94/status/1301991093018472448?s=20
16. Open thread and read through the list of P-3-d-0's at the low level positions.
Wait till you read when people like J0e B!den, Pel0$!, 0b@m@s exp0$ed! https://twitter.com/LindaWarriorGal/status/1301838828248809473?s=20
17. All sleepy Joe's club members c@nn!b@l!$tic p3-d-0-p!i-les! https://twitter.com/kacsandi_m/status/1301808245640757248?s=20
18. What in the world has been going on? https://twitter.com/kacsandi_m/status/1301660921916534785?s=20
19. We'll stop for now but realize there's much more.
Tho the wheels of Justice grind slowly, justice will prevail! https://twitter.com/BamaJeans24/status/1301537282873348098?s=20
20. Don't worry! God wins, so we win! Hang in there and keep praying! https://twitter.com/kacsandi_m/status/1301740267821621248?s=20
You can follow @kacsandi_m.
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