Hello I'm bored and feel like getting unfollowed for over-tweeting. Like and I'll give you a fic prompt in the AM that I have thought of writing/wanted to read at one time or another. You can read it, write it, or sneer at it - the world is your oyster! Or ignore this. Your call.
@nyumond Chanhee hates working with models. They're entitled and obnoxious, and there's no one he hates more than Heo Hyunjoon. It's an unfortunate byproduct of that loathing that he also wants to wreck Hyunjoon in a less than hateful way, but hey, anything to make him cry right?
@sparklenyu Changmin doesn't know what he's supposed to say when a drenched rando turns up at his door in the middle of the night asking for John. This is Seoul for fuck's sake; who the hell is named John here? Still, this Chanhee person is too pretty to let die of hypothermia.
Here’s another one for you!

Hyunjae has always liked sounds - the sound of rain slamming against his window, the sound of his friends yelling in his living room. However, when he meets Juyeon, the beautiful but quiet local librarian, Hyunjae learns to find the beauty in silence.
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