1/ Very excited to start illustrating a new book today!


✅Clean /tidy studio
✅ Set up progress sheet: 32 pages + cover. First come thumbnail sketches (TN), then sketches, then final art. This helps me keep track of what's done & the scope of the project.
2/ Step: 2 PAGINATE

✅I do a preliminary splitting up (pagination) of the text, thinking about where page turns will work best. This will change.
✅Print out a storyboard so I can see the book at a glance. I'll add to this as illustration ideas come.

#kidlitart #sciart
3/ Step 3: FREAK OUT

✅Think, OMG what have I done?
✅Pace around the house looking pained.
✅Go for a walk around the block.
✅Take a deep breath or three.

#kidlitart #sciart

Time to get started!

✅Learn more about the subject & its environment
✅Think in-depth about the text
✅Do quick spontaneous thumbnail sketches
✅Let my mind go with ideas. Wheeeeeeee!

Arguably, the most fun part.

#kidlitart #sciart

Morgue = what illustrators call a set of reference images
I compile it as part of the previous step.

✅Determine species/places/etc. I may want to incorporate in book
✅Make a slideshow with reference pics
✅Add useful info and reference links

Made up a calendar. This is how many days I have to illustrate it. 😬

(This is why I have to work weekends + evenings when I’m doing a book. While doing my regular job too.)

#kidlitart #sciart

✅Set up filed in Photoshop: blank double-page spreads + cover + 2 single pages
✅Create a folder for each of the above, named by page numbers they'll be in the book

Now I can design page layout & text placement, with my initial rough sketches.

8/ Meanwhile, I use good ole PowerPoint to do initial planning & pagination (dividing the text up) & add relevant reference pics.

I’ve already put 2 very rough thumbnail sketches in.

At this point, it’s a massive complex puzzle. Daunting but exciting.

#kidlitart #sciart
9/ But the best bit during Step 4 is this: sitting on my porch, an impression of the manuscript in my mind, music playing, no computer, no reference, just letting my creative mind go and making scribbles that only mean something to me.

This part feels a bit magical. Fun anyway.
10/ The other thing I’m doing at this point is considering what medium(s) I’ll use.

And pondering the artist’s usual dilemma: “Art rarely looks the way you see it in your mind.”

But at least I know how I want the book to “feel.” 🙃
You can follow @MarloWordyBird.
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