Alright let’s go ahead and talk about how to deal with yall qaeda while at a protest.
1. 99.9 percent of these types are harmless and just want to cosplay as revolutionaries when they literally just lick boots. They come out in groups to feel empowered because their 9-5 job and loveless marriage has left them feeling empty.
They won’t be acting normal. They will be ultra hyper vigilant, anxious and typically pacing. Not able to just stand still. When I saw these people, the main guy was holding a backpack like for dear life. Babying it almost. That was the first clue.
They won’t look happy to be there. I mean they might but 9.9/10 they look disgusted. They literally hate us so much they cannot contain their visual disgust. Sometimes they have a poker face but look out for those powerful speakers who do well, watch the racists faces.
Under no circumstances should you directly approach them. None. They aren’t working alone and they are very much ready and looking for a reason. Warn your friends. Remain calm. If you see something, say something. DO NOT TELL LOCAL PD PERIOD.
Local PD literally worked with the white nationalists in Kenosha. Your best bet is literally feds. I know ACAB and I hate feds as well but they don’t want a mass killing of protestors. I promise you that.
For medics, they listen to our radios. Period. Radio it in. Give full descriptions, take pictures of them if you can and never turn your back to them.
Trust your instincts. Please dear god trust your instincts. It’s okay to feel on edge right now because we should. If you are a medic, you are a target so keep that in mind. Always have a place you are planning on taking shelter behind if things do get bad.
Do not run towards a gunman. You will lose. Take cover, drop low and if you run do not run in a straight line. Have a meet up place with your friend if you need to evacuate.
This is just basic tips that helped us in Kenosha literally catch people like this before they would have killed us all. I love you all. Solidarity.
If you are in a hot spot, especially Louisville and have more question, please ask here. I can try my best or any of my incredible friends can help you navigate this horrifying time.
You can follow @herosnvrdie69.
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