So interesting to finally see this strategy come together - after months of the Lincoln project and others pushing these ideas separately. If you look at this critically - which is my job - Trump has lost the support of those in the intel community who broke the law & used tools
Designed to be used against this nation’s enemies against their own people, as well as those who lied about intelligence. But he has not lost the support of the rest of the intel community as those people are silently doing their jobs & their voices are never heard -
To say Trump has lost the support of the military assumes all of the military support those speaking out against him, which is not true. Also many of those speaking out are complicit in allowing false reporting/using weapons of war developed to use against U.S. enemies..
Using those weapons against American citizens. It does not allow for all the military members, current & former, who believe in standing by their oath to protect the constitution & the country from all of enemies “both foreign and domestic”. It also wants the public to believe...
The state department diplomats/bureaucracy that did not support Trump politically are the State Department as a whole, that the elected President does not have the right to enact whatever policy his administration wants, and that no one else in the State Department exists/matters
And no diplomat/bureaucrat supports the UAE normalizing relations with Israel etc. I am not endorsing anything or anyone - the current policy on Afghanistan is as bad as any that came before it and may yet prove to be the worst ever - but as a journalist, I try always....
To cut through the spin/misinformation, especially when it goes against the reality on the ground. There are many within the intel community & the military & the state department who do not share this view & unless their voices are also widely represented,
the public is being manipulated rather than informed. Then it starts to feel like propaganda more than reality - what is real does not need to be “sold”. This started in 2016 & has been effective because one side has information dominance but that doesn’t make it true.
The challenge before every journalist - including myself - is putting aside your own bias and figuring out the truth, because that’s all that matters in the end. Unfortunately today that means you are likely to be targeted & falsely smeared...
By those on both sides seeking to suppress anything that threatens their power/agenda. They have money & resources, they will stop at nothing & they are aided by the colleagues/profession you value. Information dominance means they have the megaphone & it is not en even fight.
But with all of that, they still cannot change the truth. They can only suppress it....if we let them.
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