A Thread of Women of Color/Femmes of Color Characters who inexplicably can’t/don’t communicate with the main cast of mostly white characters

Starting with Karen Fukuhara’s character Kimiko in Amazon Prime’s new hit series The Boys, Season 2 now available for streaming
Next is Kiely Williams’s Lily in House Bunny

She’s the only Black woman in the entire film and barely speaks due to her being “shy”
Karen Fukuhara again as Katana in Suicide Squad, now she has a few lines, but a small amount in comparison with others in this film

Twice with an Asian woman character, and both times seemingly to portray her as mysterious and dark, but male characters hardly get this treatment
and yet another with an Asian girl Miya Cech as ZhenZhen in the Netflix Alien Invasion film starring a whole cast of kids Rim of the World

ZhenZhen doesn’t really speak for most of the movie, and this really bothered me, because I’d been noticing this pattern for a while now
I’m not trying to be ableist or erase people who don’t speak English media

I’m pointing out that it’s kind of strange that these characters so frequently are also the least represented in these genres, it’s almost as if the creators don’t Want them to speak #TheBoysTV
I know this is a trope, similar to Fridging, a term for killing off or otherwise dehumanizing a female character for the sake of a male character’s character development coined by @GailSimone and that I’m only listing a small amount here, but I bet you can think of some too!
The Original Slayer from Buffy the Vampire Slayer as depicted by Sharon Ferguson in Whedon’s Buffy the Vampire Slayer
she’s primitive and doesn’t speak and the scenes with her in them bothered me a lot when I watched the series
I liked her character, but I wanted more for Sineya
This happens because these writers are frequently male and white and “have no idea” how to write these girls and women and so they just don’t give them lines at all

You ever consider just hiring on a consultant or writers that are women of color?

It’s lazy writing
why didn’t she get to Speak/Sing?? https://twitter.com/ace_defective/status/1302304087116054529
I’m going to tell you why, they’re scared that they’re going to do a bad job so they either don’t try or invent a reason for why they don’t get to speak

But this marginalizes Exactly the fan base they’re bringing to their piece by having these characters in the FIRST PLACE
I’m tired of this happening and being told that I’m overreacting or worse being “ungrateful” by pointing out that we as Non-male fans deserve better and fuller representation

Having more women speaking is absolutely fantastic, but if all of those women are white that’s a problem
The Silencing of the Shrew

That’s what I’m coining this particular Media Trope, because they’re trying to have powerful and impactful and awesome female characters without having to hear what they’d actually say, because they’re afraid of us

Better to be seen and not heard
Here’s another example
Thanks so much for the addition @portlyislandboy
Keep them coming people I knew my Autistic Ass saw a pattern playing out! https://twitter.com/portlyislandboy/status/1302324209415266304
And Another
this character portrayed by Indonesian Actress Julie Estelle https://twitter.com/portlyislandboy/status/1302325545288568838
Another Asian Character From Sin City and portrayed by Actress Devon Aoki https://twitter.com/portlyislandboy/status/1302326009283465217
I’m a poor trans disabled writer that works a regular 9/5 answering phones for a Tech company

I’m working on creating a Podcast with my friend where we discuss Media from the perspective of Black nerds-Follow for more info

If you wanna send $
Venmo @Faati
Cashapp $FaatimaVasser
Gina Gallego as Mrs. Hernandez in Crazy Ex-Girlfriend ABSOLUTELY needs to be on this list https://twitter.com/belenen/status/1302379560382664705
Chiaki Kuriyama as GoGo in renowned Orientalist Quentin Tarantino’s Kill Bill Volume 1
doesn’t speak and a reason for her lack of lines isn’t given leaving us to assume Tarantino had no ideas for her character passed what she looks and fights like https://twitter.com/FalynnK/status/1302411384874045440
Another one, this was mentioned a few times before, but I get forgetting to add her Actress Rinko Kikuchi as Bang Bang in Brothers Bloom https://twitter.com/adamwilliams13/status/1302597107560448000
Adding to the main thread, because I keep getting pushback on Kimiko’s character’s muteness

Folks are agreeing that this trope is real and problematic except for in the case that birthed this commentary in the first place!

#TheBoysTV #TheBoysSeason2 #TheSilencingOfTheShrew https://twitter.com/faatithestreet/status/1302671630678855680
Miharu Portrayed by Alexandra Massangkau in the film The Platform

So the majority of these women are Asian, this is definitely something bigger https://twitter.com/flatpot/status/1302675347322949633
Also Go Ah-Sung as Yona in Snowpiercer who is an Asian girl who doesn’t really speak in that film due to a language barrier https://twitter.com/attismum/status/1302735239714832388
Forgot to add a photo with that last tweet Here’s Go Ah-Sung https://twitter.com/attismum/status/1302737728782700545
Okay, so spoiler for LoveCraft Country ep.4 below

Intersex and Two Spirited Character, but they used She pronouns for her

so I’m presuming Femme and adding her to this list Yahima portrayed by Actress Monique Candelaria

Reason: Language Barrier/Siren
So #TheSilencingOfTheShrew is probably going to be following me around for the rest of my media consuming life, because I definitely wasn’t expecting to find it in #LoveCraftCountry

My best friend and Fiancé and I were like no it can’t be, but it was.
The more time goes by since watching that episode and particularly heinous rendition of #TheSilencingOfTheShrew the more I feel pained by what I saw

So, here’s a way to give back to the people my people disrespected in that episode https://twitter.com/doctora_nature/status/1302352681999106048
The Actress Nive Nielsen as Lady Silence in the Terror https://twitter.com/bunzy55/status/1302833036866850817
This one is really bad and honestly I’d blocked it out of my memory

She was absolutely an example of #TheSilencingOfTheShrew and her character’s body was cannibalized to be used by the white woman lead

Actress Sonoya Mizuno portraying Kyoko in Ex-Machina https://twitter.com/jeshizaburo/status/1302838041128497154
I think I just cracked it #TheSilencingOfTheShrew is a tactic that prevents WOC/Marginalized Gender of Color folks from getting more acting opportunities,
and awards, which actually do help secure more roles

Regina King won an Oscar and then got The Watchmen series https://twitter.com/faatithestreet/status/1302856922970951680
Another thanks @ValarMorDollars https://twitter.com/valarmordollars/status/1302878718596128771
Christine Lee portraying Kyungunsun in Black Summer whose speech is reduced to [Speaking Korean] with no other CC due to her not being understood by her traveling compatriots. https://twitter.com/elliotren_/status/1302997176512139264
Anyone catching the fans of these works revealing themselves to be racist and orientalists by discounting Kimiko due to her needing to be mute for “mystery’s” sake?

You know who’s mysterious in that show? Frenchie, you know who also gets lines? #TheSilencingOfTheShrew #TheBoysTV
You can follow @FaatiTheStreet.
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