This automatically makes it the inferior version 😔
If you’ve played Mario sunshine before, you’d know just how important those analog triggers are to the experience 😔

This port isn’t going to be unplayable by any means, but it’s still a big bummer and I hope they make an update
Just to clarify, the gamecube controller will work as a pro controller, which isn’t the same thing as working as a gamecube controller with analog inputs- which is the problem.

There’s a lot of people trying to correct me even though, trust me, I wish you were right lol.
For those who dont see why it matters, an analog trigger is the equivalent of using the FLUUD (the item sunshine is ENTIRELY built around) like a spray bottle. Depending on how hard you squeeze the spray bottle, different pressures of water will spray out! It’s about “game feel”.
I was just told not even smash uses analog controls

There’s no hope 😩😩😩
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