When a sex offender was exposed as part of the drag queen story hour, all the LGBT came out to defend the sex offender T. He had molested an 8 yr old boy. https://twitter.com/RealJamesWoods/status/1301927067261362177
If we look at the testimony for this sorry piece of legislation we will prolly see a lot of LGBT saying they are falsely accused bc homophobia, or that there wasnt much age difference.
What you prolly won't see are victims saying being molested was no problem due to the age gap being only ten years. You won't see them retracting their allegations. You won't see them say, if was just homophobia.
California legislators have fallen for a predator's lie. It is never the predator's fault, u see. The child/teen wanted it (after all the grooming).
California is a pedo/pederast delight. I think they could probably advertise that and attract more pervs as the decent people flee CA.
How shameful that the CA legislature would essentially make young males targets for predatory men who want to use their bodies for sex.
The state also aids in grooming kids thru sex ed that teaches them about LGBT sex, anal, oral, rim jobs, and LGBTQ indoctrination. This bill benefits only same sex attracted adults. Women aren't molesting high school girls often...
This is yet another give away to perverted men who want to f*ck children....this time our boys who are high school age. Where are the Mad Momma Bears??? Where are the fathers who say NO?
Any legislator who voted for this should not be in office another second. Why does the law protect the predator and not the innocent?
Society worth defending protects its young. It doesn't give it up to sex crazed perverts and shrug. Californians, I hope you respond to this by recalling every person who helped it pass! They all need their hard drives inspected!

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