LITERALLY just saved this little girls life: A Thread

Walked from our spot on the beach down to the water with the Ol Lady and The Bean and as I entered the water I noticed this lady looking to her left

I saw two little girls with boogie boards and a third girl MUCH further
out than what I assumed to be her sisters/cousins

The mom was telling her to come closer and I kept an eye on her to see if she had the strength to do so

She must’ve been between 8-11 and I could tell she was tired

She was trying to kick, but she wasn’t moving at all
It’s high tide right now, and the waves themselves are smacking pretty hard

As I’m watching to see if she can come in she gets obliterated by two decent size waves

I begin to make my way over to her. Fighting through 2-3 waves but keeping my eyes on her the whole time
I make it over to her and immediately let her know “I got you” and I extend my hand to her

Our hands connect and as I look up the biggest wave that formed during this blip in time is reaching its highest point right behind her

I already knew what I was going to do. No thought
I placed my right hand at the back of the boogie board and my left hand under the board

As I was engulfed by the wave I put her on top of it

I get tossed around a little and as soon as my head comes up I’m scanning to see where she went

I look, and she’s on the beach 🙌🏽
I make my way out of the water and her mom looks at me with what might’ve been tears or maybe just salt water in her eyes and says, “Thank you sooo much?”

“No problem. Is she ok?” she’s fine 💪🏽

Making my way back to our spot on the beach I notice the lifeguard is standing -
at the ready. He gives me the “good shit” head nod and gets back in his chair

I’m good, but I knew I was gonna be good. I’m just glad little shorty is okay. That’s all that mattered in that moment

I extended my healing hand a little too much, but it was fucking worth it
Read this thread and notice I didn’t mention her race once. It doesn’t matter

She needed help and her life mattered more than mine in that moment

Idk if it’s the prior lifeguard occupation or what, but she had all my focus
Life is happening all around ya but MSM will try to convince you nothing matters but November

Take each moment of every day in stride and be sure to look out for your fellow man

I love y’all and I wanna see us all #LoveEachOther

#StayWithIt #WithItWarriors ✊🏽

- Hotep
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