Dr. Atlas' confidence in his own judgment is exceeded only by his ignorance and sophistry. Here -thanks @EricTopol for Senate testimony (under oath) - direct quotations. Yes, he never says "I advocate for herd immunity" but that is EXACTLY what he proposes. See exact words (next) https://twitter.com/EricTopol/status/1302255509433581569
Atlas: "infected people are the immediately available vehicle for establishing widespread immunity. By transmitting the virus to others in lower‐risk groups who then generate antibodies, pathways toward the most vulnerable people are blocked, ultimately eradicating the threat."
Atlas: "If infection is still prevalent, socializing among these low‐risk groups represents the opportunity for developing widespread immunity and eradicating the threat." COVID isn't a candidate for eradication, basic error, but not nearly as deadly as concept of herd immunity.
Atlas continues to push for herd immunity while denying doing so. Don't test aysmptomatic contacts-let it spread. Reopen schools regardless of community spread-let kids get infected. Herd immunity would mean hundreds of thousands more deaths in US.
You can follow @DrTomFrieden.
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