THEORY: All of Queen Amidala’s advisors from Ep 1 were under sith influence. They were all terribly negative and clearly despised the Jedi sent to help them. They were in on it, pawns of the Sith Lord, who hailed from their planet.
Panaka was one of the most obvious. He clearly hated Qui Gon and went against everything the Jedi recommended. And of course Sio Bibble, who knew that a communications disruption can mean only one thing: invasion. How does he know that?
Maybe because he knew about the invasion the whole time. He took every chance he had to try to force a treaty.
And finally - yes, Amidala herself was under Palpatine’s influence. For her to grow up on a planet with such clear dark side affiliations (two Sith Lords - Palpatine and Binks) must have given Palp plenty of time to influence the young Queen.
Not to mention the role she played in Anakin’s journey to the dark side. It was all puppeteered by Palpatine.
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