all right, I think I'm slightly ready to talk about this

I am highly upset so please no assholery

Yesterday, my little brother threatened my life on Facebook over politics. This is the kid I raised like a second mama from his birth till age 6. He threatened me.
Not like a "I'm gonna come to your house and eff you up" kind of threat but "change is coming, this country is going to be overthrown, you better not stand in the way for your stupid principles or you'll be sorry" kind of way

I'm still in shock.
my crime was replying to a meme my mother (who has decided to go in big for performative wokeness since it gets her attention from her friends to do this) posted that said "when you make protests illegal, people turn to violence".

I said "peaceful protests aren't illegal"
That's it. Four little words, which are true, proven true by the fact that as we've been told that 93% of the protests were peaceful. My brother, who I fed bottles to and read stories to, threatened my life over these four words, over a simple statement of truth.
Just to put this in context, I have worked towards police reform for the past 2 decades. My husband ran for Congress on a reform platform as a libertarian in 2000 & got a standing ovation from the NAACP when he attended their community forum.

We tried to make the world better.
For the past 4 years via my writing, I tried to bring people together, to make peace and build bridges, to remind people no matter our differences, we have to live together, and it would be better to do that peacefully for everyone.

I expect abuse from strangers, but family?
my brother couldn't even hear one statement of mild disagreement without threatening my life. (I don't do politics on Facebook, I can count on my fingers the number of times I've ever said a word to any of them even as they constantly post memes that say people like me are evil)
This is not right. This is not normal. This is not MY FAMILY! I don't know what happened to them in 2016 but it changed them. My opinions are the same as ever, and yet now they see me as some sort of villain for believing the same stuff I always did.
As some of you know, I have been debating about where to lay my vote in 2020. In 2016 I voted third party, but this election feels too important to me for me to not lay it on the line. Not an easy choice to make because I really don't like either option.

at all.
But here is what I know. Any ideology that can turn my little brother, who I love with every fiber of my being, who I have never had a cross word with, into a person willing to call me stupid, mock me, attempt to publicly shame me, and threaten my life, is not worth supporting.
So my mind is made up. I will cast my vote not for Trump, but against the woke fascist religion that is truly turning brother against brother, changing peaceful laid back dudes into angry violent thugs, and destroying the rule of law not only for us, but for our children.
"the lesser of two evils is still evil" but the alternative is letting a greater evil run amok. So many of us hate Trump, but the leftist threat is real. Biden and his supporters are not moderates. Vote wisely, even if you think your vote won't count. It matters.
Even if Trump loses, and he probably will, we have to prove that we're out here, and we reject the far left agenda. The only way to get that on the record is to VOTE. They write off an abstention or a protest vote as someone who doesn't care. Prove that you care!
I have tried so hard to deny this for the past four years, but I can't deny it any more - the far left intend to force all reasonable people to agree with them on all points all the time, and are willing to use violence & threats of violence to that end. Vote against them!
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