tw// lupisvulpes i'm fucking shitting she went to some conservative news site to get them to write an article about her and how the gays have ruined her life. im not joking
and i quote, "I used to be in that crowd, and I was incredibly depressed and suicidal for like 3 years. This was partially simply because I was pursuing that ------ He got me out of that, and I didn’t feel comfortable drawing that message anymore" Referring to LGBTQ. YIKES
the way this is worded makes it fucking sound like shes blaming the lgbt community for her depression, and it also says that she doesn't support Black Lives Matter because they are pro-choice. HELLO??? WHAT HAPPENED TO LOVING EVERYONE??
i kinda feel like an asshole for promoting myself under this thread but hi i'm a trans/lgbt furry artist myself, consider supporting small lgbt creators like myself instead of people like lupis, im tired of bigots in this community
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