We need to talk about friendship during COVID
I've been feeling a lot of insecurity and disconnection from friends lately, and it's not just physical--we can't see each other etc. It's about who is family and who we risk for and who will come if it is really needed
I wonder if this time is bringing these feelings up for others and how you are coping. I'm wondering how I can be a better friend and how to take appropriate risks to show up for people
A divorce in my queer family has been really hard and fractured some of these bonds. Has your friend group suffered covid divorce fall out? How are you making space for queer family and friendships in this time of FAMILY and MARRIAGE and ILLNESS?
It's weird, at the beginning of COVID I felt MORE connected to my friends than I ever have, especially people far away. Now, I feel less
I feel simultaneously lonely/isolated from friends and also lacking in energy to reach out/see friends. A strange double bind
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