This week I posted on IG that Hezbollah supporters represent a significant portion of the Lebanese population, and to disregard this fact would not only be undemocratic, but would also set a dangerous precedent. I was expecting backlash, and I got it. 1/
The responses I got were visceral, with a heavy component shaming. Ad hominem fallacies. I present facts as to why Hezbollah is so important as a resistance movement in the region, I’m told I’m supporting murders, insensitive, a traitor, triggering to survivors of the blast. 2/
They regurgitated the expected responses: terrorists, Iran proxy, Assadists, etc. *insert eye roll* One person said to me “keep defending criminals, i’ll focus my energy on rebuilding the mess they made”. Oh, and my favourite, “humanity should rise above politics”. 3/
These interactions served as clarification. When we view our struggles as separate from colonization + imperialism, when we fail to acknowledge our shared struggle other oppressed/colonized peoples, and fail to recognize the importance of solidarity, 4/
it becomes easy to be consumed by thawra rhetoric. And this shouldn’t come as a surprise. While Palestinians are being attacked, and Black folks are getting murdered by cops, pro-thawra Lebanese, particularly in the diaspora, were busy at their cottages with their friends, 5/
taking selfies, living their best lives. I’m not a monster, I’ll give them credit where it’s due - they likely posted a meaningless black square on their socials in an empty performance of solidarity. But God forbid someone doesn’t #talkaboutlebanon now. 6/
Where was the rage over Kafala prior to Kafala survivors rightfully pointing out that while madame is off at the revolution, Kafala survivors are cleaning madame’s house, watching over madame’s kids, working day and night in slavery conditions? 7/
Where is the rage in over the violent, dehumanizing injustices, the literal ethnic cleansing suffered by Palestinians at the hands of Israhell for the part 72 yrs? 1 person said to me “i agree, they deserve to live apartheid-free”. No sweetie, they deserve to live Israel-free. 8/
Particularly for diaspora Lebanese ppl in KKKanada, some of whom I’ve called friends for over a decade, where is the rage over the violence and injustices suffered by Indigenous people whose stolen land you’re living on in ur comfortable condos in ur gentrified neighbourhoods? 9/
No one is free until we are all free. Our very existence in the context of a colonial world is politicized - to choose to be apolitical is to actively accept the status quo. Solidarity is a prerequisite to our freedom. Resistance to the empire is imperative. 10/
I’ll end by saying that putting the blame for the explosion solely on the Lebanese government without contextualizing it as part of a broader structure of white supremacist imperial neocolonialism is grossly reductionist, and doesn’t tackle the very root of the issue. 11/
If u have a tree with poisonous fruit, u cut the trunk and keep watering the roots, the tree will grow back and produce the same poisonous fruit. Rant over. W saba7 el kheir ✌🏽 12/
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