Republicans generally do more lip service or writing about veterans to constituents, the public generally thinks the GOP is the party of veterans, but Democrats tend to introduce more legislation for veterans and are more apt to support vets legislation for 4 reasons. #veterans
4 reasons: Vet legislation involves:

- A program/benefit administered by Fed Gov
- A program/directive that spends/re-directs Fed $
- A program that meddles in private industry via veteran-favored incentives
- A program that recognizes individual dependency on gov assistance
All of which are harder to square with GOP ideology.
But are squared with a concept of "worthiness". So GOP legislators who work for vets don't really get "socialism" blowback, but instead tend to do better with GOP voters and vets
There are, of course, exceptions - but generally this is what recent vets politics look like.


Veterans today are held in much higher regard than the feared boozing/womanizing “war cripples” of WWI and WWII and the veterans of Vietnam who were thought to be rabble-rousers.
And none of this is to say lip service doesn't do positive work for does.

Compared to similarly situated civilians, vets are held in higher regard than they were at the end of the 70s
Also vets are way understudied politically, so if anyone wants to do some work with me or on their own - I'm all for it!
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