Can you imagine the outcry if a group like the Football Fans United (or whatever the name) marched into London, blockaded everything they don’t like, and demanded more attention was placed on the immediate issue of people trafficking, via dinghies and the channel crossing?
The media would be going off on one, the opposition would be going off on one, the police would arrest as many as they could as quickly as they could. Yet they are only trying to raise awareness to people trafficking and how those crossing the channel are victims of it!
Highlighting that they pay a fortune to gangs that fund terrorists, that kill mainly “non compliant” Muslims, would surely have to put the left in an awkward situation? (Nope).

Or they marched to bring wider attention to the genocide of the Uyghur community in China?
What I’m saying is that the cause can be just and well meaning, and the protests can be needed, but where you are “placed” on the political stupid straight line that doesn’t work, defines how you’d be treated by the police and media.
We have an institutionally bigoted police force and media biss against right wing activism. If you don’t believe me, I can prove it, it’s not hard.

Remember the left can scream “F the police” to the police’s face, if the right did anything similar they’d be (as many as they can)
...arrested and charged under Section 5 of the public order act. (Best case). Worst case, and what the CPS would aim for, is section 4a, which isn’t that different. Why? Because section 4a carries a maximum sentence of up to 2 years in jail. Section 5, a fine! Section 4a is...
...the right charge IMO, 500 XR protesters arrested this week, they’ll all be fined. FOI request TBC.

It’s differences like that, that help prove the bias and the issues it causes. Protesting on the right comes with a much higher risk, even if you are 100% peaceful! Why?
That’s simple. Have you ever seen a “supposed” right wing protest (even if we should all be behind the cause) not have a counter demonstration? This inevitably leads to risk, the sin of the left, to stop the message and to make the “right” out to be thugs. Why is that allowed?
If you have a protest that had followed the rules, they are marching from point a-b and then stopping for speeches on the issue, why do the police come out in riot shields and fully tooled up because the left decide they have the only right to protest, the police...
...should be stopping the lefts counter demonstration from going ahead. Making it clear that they’ll arrest anyone that tries to stop the agreed protest, and not be more interested in helping the left (changing plans last minute of rye planned protest, letting the unplanned...
...protesters have the main arena etc.. this is all because the Mayors office likes this. He can use it as an opportunity to say “look at these horrible Tories” the MSM never care about what the aim was. Classic example of this was the Brexit fishing boats down the Thames...
...look at how a counter protest by rich snobs were rude and aggressive. How was that allowed? What was the media’s reaction? Negative towards the Brexit protesters fishing (pun intended) for anyone to say “the Brexit boats were doing x bad thing to us” and believing it. 🤷‍♂️
Extension (such a bad name for a start) rebellion claim not to be organised. That they do everything by word of mouth, that’s a lie. They are all linked, BLM, XR, B to Brexit (and all the other anti-Brexit groups) and then Labour! Why do I “think” this, modus operandi. They are
...controlled by a centralised body/organisation. The aims all match There are people getting these permits, they have a blue tick on Twitter, they are well funded. Why? Because they think socialism/communism is the answer to the climate change “emergency” they see. It’s not.
Anyway, back on track a bit, It’s time that more was done to allow the right to peacefully protest in this country without the threat of counter protests by the left, and the police turning on the Right, or making them change their planned and approved protest plans.
I’ve probably rambled for too long so I’ll summarise, when you have law makers (MPs) encouraging that the left break the law, and a system that is institutionally against allowing right wing protests (without them being forced into defending them themselves from a counter...
...protest or the actions of the police. (Full riot gear, hostile attitudes from the start etc...) and the media reports of “far right protest” as opposed to asking why they are protesting, then a boiling point will be reached.
I can pretty much guarantee that some want to protest the inaction of the government to stop the tiny boats being escorted to the U.K. ( @Nigel_Farage ignored for months, please read the thread) yet if they do, they will not be allowed to do it peacefully.
Therein lies the problem, without the ability for one side of a debate to protest without counter protest and a deliberate attempt to make them look like thugs (and the risk of 2 years in jail for going). Democracy isn’t being respected! Oh... I nearly forgot.
I will save this for another boring thread (I do hope some enjoy these) but the independence of the judiciary, I believed in that, until last year, now, I can see that all institutions in the UK are against the views of the real working class.
So much more I could add, but I would like to see some counter points and feedback! So I’m holding my aces as it were. If you want to debate new rules. @IainDale’s book “Why can’t we all just get along” applies to my threads, we debate with respect, or we don’t debate!

Let’s go!
PS. One reason you don’t see as many protests from the “right” or on what could be considered a “right wing issue” is also because we are not organised, we don’t do “groupthink” the right is about, aspiration, being different and celebrating our ubiqness. Being proud of...
...our history and not just judging it though the lens of today’s morality, when they say the Tories are evil, I never get it. Some might be, but the overwhelming majority have different ideas and opinions in a lot of areas. However, we are united by a common desire to see the..,
...U.K. prosper, and with that all the people in it. There’s no hatred, I’m not jealous that people are far richer than I’ll ever be, I look to better myself by working and hard, as do many. I don’t want life handed to me, I want to create my opportunities. It’s why we are so...
...good at innovation. We need to foster the “Dunkirk” spirit! I don’t care who has a dig for that comment. We have a huge opportunity with Brexit and all the left can do is complain that it’s not good because that’s what they decided. Let’s get going! #GlobalBritain 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻🤦‍♂️
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